Dit is toch het allerschattigste spambericht ooit? Je zou zo gaan mailen naar die mens. (*)

How was your day?
I’m from United States. I would like to give you a chance to know my friend from Russian Federation. Her name is Dasha. She is young, friendly, smiling and very beautiful girl. She came to our country for training few months ago. She is staying with my family in my house.
Unluckily, I can not give you Dasha’s photos. Because it isn’t moral. But she will tell you about her life and show photo, if she stake in you. I’m sure  she wants to meet new friends. Good luck!
Please write a short message with your photo by e-mail: (emailadres te verkrijgen op aanvraag)

Best regards,
The Miller, from Florida.

Nog van dat!

(*) Geen schrik hoor, ik ga dat echt niet doen.

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